When it comes to decorating, there is something for everyone. There are the "rules" to apply to have a balanced decor, that is to place a work at such height on a wall, so many inches from the ground, at eye level, etc. There is also Feng Shui where everything is coordinated to have a zen and positive living environment that will bring us love and prosperity.
I don't know if you are like me, a little allergic to rules and conventions. I remember a time not so long ago when my mother used to come and help me place furniture and decorations in my homes in order to create harmonious interiors that were pleasing to the eye while corresponding to the rules of decoration. Although the results were always perfect, I got tired of this lack of freedom on my part.
In my current home, I have chosen to decorate according to my desires, in an unconventional way that represents me completely. I am a gentle rebel who quickly feels suffocated in a too tight framework, in strict standards that take my breath away. I prefer to draw inspiration from them and personalize them without shocking anyone.
The first reproduction I chose, I put it directly on the floor of my office, which you see on this picture, where the ceiling is very low. The result is an uncluttered space, which a piece of furniture would have weighed down, and a touch of humanity by the subject that has come to life under the magical brushstrokes of Val Escoubet (Sunshine in the winter).
I also have several small reproductions on my furniture, sitting comfortably on short supports, and in the fall I extend the beautiful season by affixing a work on stems whose flowers have finished living. When space permits, I prefer to hang my works off-center from my furniture, which is always eye-catching. Even the columns of my house are conducive to welcoming the beauties created by my artists.
In my office, which is my refuge most of the time, there are reproductions of different artists, styles, themes and colors. No matter where I look, I am transported to a special world that brightens my day.
This non-trendy decoration is a true reflection of my personality and I am very proud of it.
And you, how do you decorate your living or working environments?
Action Déco, your wall decoration, your emotion and greenery in profusion
2 trees planted per reproduction sold
Complementary article : A decoration in a flower pot