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When your deceased cat comes back to say hello

When your deceased cat comes back to say hello
Action Deco is love in abundance

I'm obsessed with cats, I guess that's not a surprise anymore. I am also obsessed with Copine, a Burmese cat who has shared my life for so many years that she has been the greatest feline love I have had in my life.

She helped me through 2 separations, she accompanied me during my celibacy. We spent so much time together, reading, snuggling, watching movies, sleeping. We had our habits as a couple. She was also an excellent advisor in terms of dating and approved of my David with whom there was as much love between them as I had with her. She even became a Bromontoise before I did, imagine that!

Although Copine is no longer with us, she is still with me, in thought, in energy, in dreams. And just recently, she manifested herself in a very different way. What I am about to share with you may seem very strange, but all animal lovers will understand me.

Copine used to sleep with her head on a magic bag in a pillowcase. Copine's pillow that I always sleep with, to have a little piece of her tangible all against me.

For some time, and regularly, my young cat Florie sneaks, well hidden, in this pillowcase, on the magic bag, and comes to snuggle with me. I see a big sign from Copine who tells me, from up there, I'm always with you mom. You can't imagine how much I thank her for offering me these moments of plenitude through Florie, who, with her warmth and her beautiful purr (she is a champion in this field) allows me to physically reconnect with Copine.

Here is my sharing of the day. My love still alive for my beautiful girlfriend who watches over me from the top of her angelic cloud.

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