Figurative art “Regarder plus haut, voir plus loin”.
Artist: Martine Tremblay.
2018 Saguenay
Theme : Open-mindedness, Open-mindedness, hope, characters, families, different ethnicities, gaze, glimmer of hope, future, solidarity, gathering, clothing, pattern, yellow.
Style : Figurative, mannerism/humanist
Format original artwork : 40 x 30 inches / 101.6 x 76.2 cm.
Reproduction size : 20 x 15 inches / 50.8 x 38.10 cm and 40 x 30 inches / 101.6 x 76.2 cm.
Dominant colors : yellow, green
Hanging system included :
Floating frame
Interpretation of the work by the artist:
Open-mindedness, vision and the will to act are certainly not geographical qualities, which is why the characters close to each other have different skin colors on this canvas. Almost all eyes are directed in the same direction. But what are they looking at? A ray of hope for the future.
What this painting represents for me: It is in solidarity that we will save our planet.
Regarder plus haut, voir plus loin - Martine Tremblay
For her figurative works, the inspiration comes from the deep impression left by certain texts, by proverbs or by expressions. The words provoke a multitude of images in the artist's brain. That is why her sketchbook contains only titles. These are significant, symbolic and lead us to a reflection.