I feel just like her, surrounded by the local wildlife that happily feeds around the house. The birds that sing and dance in the sky when I fill up on their favorite seeds and nuts, the deer that look at me through the French window and say: well, I'm waiting for my meal! Not to mention the raccoons to whom I give everything I can divert from composting, as they no longer have enough territory to find enough to fill their bellies. They're also entitled to containers to keep their food out of the mud and dirt.
Even the little chipmunks let me stroke the top of their heads with the tip of my finger as they swell their jowls with the delicious contents of the palm of my hand. I'm Snow White to have the opportunity to stroke these pretty beasts, to connect visually with others and to know that I'm making a difference for them. I've even had the surprise of a buzzard passing within 6 inches of my nose!
And I talk to them. I tell them I've created an art reproduction company that plants two trees for every sale. I tell them that one day they can look forward to beautiful forests where they'll find enough to eat, without having to go near humans.
While I'm thrilled to have this wonderful opportunity to be Snow White, my heart breaks to see that all these beings don't have their basic needs met, because of us humans. I look at my neighbors' yards and the more lawn they have, the happier they seem to be, and they chase away those poor animals from whom they've taken their habitat.
My mission to reforest the planet, 2 trees at a time, takes on its full meaning every day when I communicate with my protégés. I'd rather they were as safe as they should be and not have that pleasure. Every day, I work to expand Action Déco, knowing that I'm making a direct contribution to the habitat of birds, mammals, insects and amphibians. And what's more, I multiply that power by 250, since that's the number of works available for reproduction on acrylic and white aluminum at Action Déco.
The Earth was a paradise that Man has destroyed. If I can help rebuild this lost paradise for all living beings, including humans, I'd be delighted.
Christiane who plants trees by selling reproductions 🌳🌳🌳 2 trees planted per reproduction sold 🥰