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Dominique Desmeules

Artist Painter
Semi abstract expressionism
Abstract art

Address :

Saguenay (Chicoutimi). Québec


Born in the Saguenay region, on the banks of the river of the same name, Dominique Desmeules became interested in art and painting during her classical high school studies thanks to an art teacher. She continued her artistic studies until the Université du Québec à Montréal in 2D Design. After a trip to France and back home, she works in graphic design for a few years.

A career change led her to become a manager in the travel industry, which allowed her to travel around the world and feed her imagination with exotic and unexpected visuals for the one who is only waiting for the right moment to dive back into her art and get out the brushes! Since then, she has been painting with passion and inspiration.

Represented on the international market, she has had numerous exhibitions in international art fairs as well as in Asian galleries, by personal invitation for solos. Her art is in collections around the world. In Canada, she has exhibited in a few recognized galleries. Selected as a Canadian artist painting flowers, she is part of the book "The love of flowers" published by Arabella magazine in 2016.

Artistic approach

Passionate about gardens, the floral theme imposed itself naturally in her art from the beginning. The figurative gave way to the stylization of floral forms to become more abstract defined. She decided to work with structural mortar which gives a beautiful texture to her flowers. They look like they are sculpted on canvas! Dominique Desmeules likes to convey the joy on her canvases, the beauty of the flora as well as the imagination that is part of her creation of contemporary artworks.

In constant pictorial research, she does not hesitate to take on artistic challenges that take her out of her comfort zone and towards an increasingly abstract art. She paints in mixed media with acrylics, incorporating Japanese Chyiogami papers as well as oil pastels and structural mortar. Having a large garden of her own, she takes advantage of it to gather leaves that she dries and inserts into her contemporary paintings.

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