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Andrée Marcoux

Painter and sculptor -
Figurative art

Address :

Valcourt, Qc. Canada


Painter and sculptor, Andrée Marcoux was born in Montreal in 1966. Since then, she has lived in a small town, Valcourt, in the Eastern Townships, Quebec. She has been painting professionally for thirty years, since obtaining a bachelor's degree in Visual Arts at Laval University in 1991. An important meeting with the renowned Quebec painter, Raynald Leclerc, made her realize that art would become part of her daily life.

Animal painting, light and calm water scenes, without too many details, she paints more emotion. She loves new challenges that make her learn and discover. As much as her painting can be realistic and worked on for weeks, she likes to let herself go in the movement on large formats with as a tool, the brush or the spatula and as a medium, oil or acrylic, smoothed or textured. Painting in a classical or whimsical style, is a balance that suits her.

She has participated in several symposiums and exhibitions in Quebec, Ontario. Some of her works have been exhibited as far as the United States and Hong Kong. In May 2021 she won the Platinum Award at the Shade of Blue competition. 

Shades of Blue 2021 | Award Exhibition | Camelback Gallery

Other honors she has received include

2018 Selected for the Society of Canadian Artists online competition SAC

2016 Exhibition at the Centre Culturel Yvonne L. Bombardier Cultural Center, Valcourt, Qc.

2014 Received member of the Institute of Figurative Arts, (I.A.F), Qc.

2014 Finalist, wildlife art, Art Renewal Center, International 2013/2014 ARC Salon, USA.

Impressionist painters are a great source of inspiration for light, Dominic Besner for originality and Raynald Leclerc for beauty, light and perseverance.

Artistic approach

Her approach lies between realism and semi-abstract, movement and total calm.

She seeks to make people love and respect the animal world or to abandon themselves in front of a scene where serenity is imposed. Her main color is often blue, a luminous, calming color, symbolizing escape, loyalty and justice.

She begins her painting, most of the time on a lightly textured black background, and draws the main lines with dry pastels of a sharp color. With a spatula, the colors are melted directly onto the canvas.

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