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Figurative art ''Feu de corail''

Italian painter: Sonia Valsecchi.

2020, Clamart (France).


Theme: Fire, Life, Heat, Harmony, Woman, Portrait, Love, Spirit, Mysticism, Passion


Style : Art figuratif.

Format original work: 11.7 x 8.3 inch / 29.7 x 21cm.

Reproduction format: 11 x 8 inches / 29.7 x 21 cm and 22 x 16 inches / 55.9 x 40.6 cm.

Technical: inks and colored pencils on paper.

Dominant colors:Red, pink, purple, fuchsia


Hanging system included:

Floating frame.


Interpretation of the work by the artist:


Fire is considered a mystical experience of the dissolution of the soul. Through heat, which consumes matter, we penetrate into the depths of the living being. Love, life and death alternate in an eternal dance that leads us to understand the inner universe as a reflection of the outer universe, achieving harmony between the three levels of life: body, soul and spirit.

Feu de corail - Sonia Valsecchi

PriceFrom 178,00C$
  • All the steps in creating a painting are exciting to me. I usually start by setting up my palette and laying out my tools; then I put in the first splashes of color as I enter my creative bubble. Normally, I start with colors and then add lines to get to the interpretation of the human figure.

*Colors may vary from one screen to another.

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