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Ginette, I hold your hand!

Action Déco is a personalized customer service

Ginette, Claudette, France, Annie, Monique, or any other name, is like me. She has a pretty clear idea of what she wants and she doesn't like to search endlessly and go in circles.


Ginette, that's me at the grocery store, looking for wild rice and being stunned by the clerk who shrugs her shoulders and answers "I don't know that" and goes back to her work without paying any attention to me. I could tell you countless stories like this one of poor customer service.


I just don't understand this new trend of "I don't care" that is spreading like wildfire. I like to be well served in a business or a service. So it's only fair that I return the favor on my end, right? Don't these people who make up the horde of poorly-attentive customer service people like to receive a warm welcome and service when it's their turn to call on others?


This question is as mysterious to me as the chicken and egg question. While I can't answer it, I do my best to offer the best service I can when Ginette contacts me by phone or email, regarding my reproductions.


Often, my typical Ginette has a pretty good idea of what kind of wall decoration she wants for her home. She knows if she wants a tree, an abstract, a cat, something soft or bright. I understand her so much for not necessarily having the taste or the time to explore everything that is available on my site, I am the same way when I do shopping. So I am happy to direct her to artists and works that might interest her. I even look on my artists' websites to find what might please her or I contact them directly.


I even found myself talking to a curator at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts to try to answer a very specific request.


Do my efforts always bear fruit? In terms of sales, no. In terms of personal satisfaction, always. I know that I do my best and that Ginette appreciates it, whether she buys or not. Through this particular and sometimes elaborate service, I make great discoveries, learn things, connect with people, discover new opportunities. There is always a gain, even if it is not monetary.


What more could you ask for?


Action Déco, your wall decoration, your emotion and greenery galore

1 tree in the world with our printer / 1(or more!) tree(s) in the Eastern Townships with the Fondation SÉTHY

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